
Komal Shetty's site offers adult content. It is made for entertainment purposes only for people above 18 years of age. It may contain some obscene and nudity images. If you enter this website, you agree that you deem it appropriate to view the content of this website, that you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you are legally entitled to access adult sites as defined by your laws.

AhAs per our Privacy Policy, only Komal Shetty Website has the rights on the photos and content shown on this website, if anyone else uses it then he will be entitled to take legal action. If you have any objection to the content or photos displayed by us then you can contact us through email booking4site@gmail.com , we will take appropriate action on your complaint as soon as possible. We only allow two people above 18 years of age to go on a date. If you are not yet 18 years of age then you are requested to leave it now.

If you enter our website, you understand that you are providing your consent and signing this agreement electronically. That I am at least 18 years of age: I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age and that accessing adult content on the Internet is not illegal in my country of residence.

All images and content are the property of Komal Shetty Escorts:- I acknowledge that all images used on the website are the property of Komal Shetty Escorts and are not to be used or taken under any circumstances. Any unauthorized use will face legal action.

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